We are going to have a talk, and you will finish with fulfillment, and complete knowledge of your soul’s path in romance.  It is not necessary for you to know anything at all about astrology.  After my careful study of your chart you will obtain a telephone consultation.  We will be in touch by e-mail or telephone to set up a time for the interview.
Carl Jung
Astrological Counsel
Experienced Astrologer
Who, and where, is your soulmate? find your soulmate
Copyright 2017   Astrological Counsel 
We will not use your personal information for any purpose other than to send you e- mail, nor will we give away, or sell your information to any other entity. E-mailed information from us will be no more often than once per week, and they may be stopped by you with one notice to us by clicking at appropriate link in the e- mail you receive from us.
Famous psychologist Carl Jung wrote about the correlation between the soulmate relationships of married pairs, and astrological signifcators. A statistical study was conducted under the direction of Carl Jung, which proved that astrology and actual relationships matched.
There is the connection between two people in the spiritual realm. There is also the physical emotional sexual connection. Then there is what you sense between you as friendship or brotherly love. These 3 are, in the Greek language “agape” spiritual love, “eros” or erotic love, and “philo” brotherly love.  Ideally, you will connect romantically with someone who shares all three.
Soulmates Page 2 Soulmates Page 2
Carl Jung
Astrological Counsel
Experienced Astrologer
Who, and where, is your soulmate? find your soulmate
Copyright 2017   Astrological Counsel 
We will not use your personal information for any purpose other than to send you e- mail, nor will we give away, or sell your information to any other entity. E-mailed information from us will be no more often than once per week, and they may be stopped by you with one notice to us by clicking at appropriate link in the e- mail you receive from us.
Famous psychologist Carl Jung wrote about the correlation between the soulmate relationships of married pairs, and astrological signifcators. A statistical study was conducted under the direction of Carl Jung, which proved that astrology and actual relationships matched.
Soulmates Page 2 Soulmates Page 2